1. RTMPS Setting

Step 1. Search ''Facebook Live'' in Google.com

Streaming facebook 2.png

Step 2. Choose ''Stream''

Streaming facebook 3.png

Step 3. Choose ''Creat Live Stream''

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Step 4. Configure the setting of RTMPS, and choose ''enable''

For example, my ''Server URL'' is rtmps://live-api-s.facebook.com:443/rtmp/, my ''Stream Name /Key'' is 2338659960548?s_bl=1&s_sml=0&s_sw=0&s_vt=api-s&a=Abx5-hmGxER4YNCx. So according to the format of RTMPS setting, the setting of ''RTMP PUBLISH URL'' should be:

RTMP PUBLISH URL:      rtmps://live-api-s.facebook.com:443/rtmp/2338659960548?s_bl=1&s_sml=0&s_sw=0&s_vt=api-s&a=Abx5-hmGxER4YNCx

Streaming Facebook 7.png

Step 5. Click ''Apply''

2. DNS Setting

Step 6. Configure the ''DNS1'' and ''DNS2''

If your are using 4G mode, then you can ignore the DNS setting; If you are using WiFi mode or LAN port mode, then you need to configure DNS1 and DNS2.

The value of DNS1 and DNS2 is the gateway of the router.

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3. Reboot The Encoder

Step 7. Reboot the video encoder

Streaming facebook 9.png

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